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Date: 7/22/2024
Subject: This Week From Penn's Village!
From: Penn's Village

This Week:

Penn's Village Goes to the Cinema!
Note Film Change to
"Catch Me If You Can"
Monday, July 22, 2024
2:00 pm
City Institute Free Library
1905 Locust St.
No registration required
Catch Me

“The Schuylkill River Revival”
With John Randolph
Schuylkill River Development Corp.
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 2:00 pm
MacColl Room, First Presbyterian Church
201 S. 21st St.
Register Here:

Members Only
Walnut to Walnut River Cruise
Sunday, July 28, 2024

Arrive at 4:30 pm for 4:45 departure
24th and Walnut St.,
Boat is docked under the east side of the Walnut St. Bridge
Note: Cruise disembarks at Columbus Blvd. 
 & Walnut St. at Penn’s Landing 
 at approximately 6:30 pm

$35 per member
Attendance is limited to 12
Register Here:

There's Still Time to Register for This Special Event with Dr. Ala Stanford
Dr. Ala Stanford has been a nationally-known health care leader and community activist in Philadelphia for years, and was featured in a Penn's Village program earlier this year.  Now she has written an acclaimed account of her journey.  Part memoir, part manifesto for health equality and justice, Take Care of Them Like My Own offers urgent lessons about the power of communities working together to take care of one another, and the importance of fighting for a healthcare system that truly fulfills its promise to all Americans. There will be a book launch and celebration at Ensemble Arts Philly (formerly the Kimmel Center), featuring Sheinelle Jones, TODAY Show Co-Host and NBC News Correspondent, on August 6. Tickets are $50 for adults over 62. To purchase tickets at the senior rate, call the box office at 215-893-1999 and choose the Ensemble Service Line, or bring ID to the Box Office at the Academy of Music. You can find out more here:

We hope you will take the opportunity to attend this special event!


Self-registration is now available on the Penn's Village website!  Please review our Self Registration and register here. You can also register by emailing or calling 215-925-7333. If you cannot attend, please cancel your reservation to make room for others.
Most programs are free of charge to our members and active volunteer partners.  Non-member guests are welcome to attend up to three programs before being asked to join Penn's Village as a member or volunteer partner, or by paying $10 per additional program.  Refunds are available if registration is cancelled prior to the program.
Group photos may be taken during these events.


Do you have feedback about a recent program? Let us know here.  We would love to hear from you so that we can improve future programs.

Penn's Village has not verified or certified the accuracy or completeness of the information provided by program providers, and will not be liable for any errors or omissions. You agree to hold Penn's Village harmless from any liability or injury arising from or related to your participation In our events. Please see the Penn’s Village website for our full liability statement here: Our Terms of Service

Penn’s Village welcomes and actively encourages an inclusive and diverse community of members, staff, Board of Directors and volunteers. Inclusiveness and diversity mean welcoming all and excluding no one because of age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, physical abilities, religious beliefs or political beliefs.