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HomeEventsStand On Your Own Two Feet: Steady Balance and Movement (P)

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Stand On Your Own Two Feet: Steady Balance and Movement (P)

About this event

Penn’s Village Presents:


“Stand On Your Own Two Feet:

Steady Balance and Movement”

with Judith Sachs, Anyone Can Dance, LLC

Wednesday, April 3, 2024 at 2:00 pm

*In-Person in the MacColl Room

First Presbyterian Church, 201 S. 21st St.


We can remain balanced and moving throughout our lifespan if we have intention and awareness. Join Judith Sachs, movement specialist and martial artist, to find out how! This workshop will offer innovative ways to sit, rise, stand, and move, as well as practice being out of balance, so that we know where our center of gravity is. Learn easy exercises for body, eyes, and breath to give you self-confidence in sitting, standing, walking, and recovery from falls. 


Judith Sachs, a Penn’s Village member, is Founder and Director of ANYONE CAN DANCE® LLC, an adaptive movement program in Philadelphia, PA. Although she started her professional life on the stage, and then moved to the healthcare arena, she now combines these two passions. Judith is a certified Dance for PD® teacher in Philadelphia and a 2020 and 2021 Parkinsons Foundation COE Grantee for her innovative therapy program, CLOSE CONTACT for COUPLES® with PD. This year, the program runs in collaboration with Johns Hopkins Pacing4Parkinsons program and the Maryland Association for Parkinson’s Support (MAPS) in Baltimore.

* Registrants are requested to please bring a tennis ball and water bottle with you if you can.

Date and Time

Wednesday, April 3, 2024, 2:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-05:00)


MacColl Room
First Presbyterian Church of Phila
201 S. 21st Street
Philadelphia, PA  19103

Event Contact(s)

Molly Clifford



Registration Info

Registration is required before Wednesday, April 3, 2024 at 10:00 AM
This will be an in-person event in the MacColl Room of the First Presbyterian Church, 201 S. 21st St., at the southeast corner of Walnut. The entrance is at the rear of the building off of 21st St. There is a handicapped accessible entrance off of Chancellor St. behind the building.

Please register on the Penn’s Village website, by emailing, or calling 215-925-7333. This program is free of charge to our members and volunteer partners. Non-members and guests may attend up to three programs before being required to join and/or volunteer with Penn’s Village, or pay $10 per additional program.

Penn’s Village welcomes and actively encourages an inclusive and diverse community of members, staff, Board of Directors and volunteers. Inclusiveness and diversity mean welcoming all and excluding no one because of age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, physical abilities, religious beliefs or political beliefs.


40 Total Slots
17 Available Slot(s)