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HomeMyths and Facts

Myths and Facts about Race and Family Caregiving in Aging

February 22, 2023


A Panel Discussion with:

Wanda Mitchell, Director of Community Engagement, Philadelphia Corporation for Aging

Philip Lai, Coffee Cup Branch Manager, Philadelphia Senior Center

Joanna Rosario, Administrator, Sewell Senior Citizens Center Adult Day Care

Moderated by Lois Evans, Co-Chair, Penn's Village Inclusiveness & Diversity Committee

Sponsored by the Inclusiveness & Diversity Committee as part of its series on Racism & Aging

Stereotypes abound about how different cultural and racial groups approach aging and the care of their seniors. These include beliefs about daily life issues, quality of life, and help needed and provided. In reality, preferences for ‘independence v. family care’; utilization or refusal of long-term care services; reliance on gendered role assignments for caregiving, and/or a goal to ‘age gracefully’ may each differ across and within cultures.

 Our panelists will share common beliefs and attitudes on this topic from a cultural/racial perspective, including how these may have been influenced by institutional racism. Join Asian, Latino, and Black panelists as they explore stereotypes and reveal common themes that can help inform Penn’s Village volunteer services and supports for older adults in our community.